Wednesday, November 01, 2006


While the usage of this site has dwindled to a mere nobody... included myself, i think now more than ever it may acutually serve some purpose. If this is not the case, so be it. Im going to try and contact everyone one last time to check it out, so this post is a dual purposed shot in the dark.

i) where are you nnow and what the hell are you up to?
ii) should we let this shit die?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

the Elm Street Bar ... well yes it does smell like beer I guess

I was in Urbana last week.
My friend Christy drove in from Peoria for dinner.
Well after dinner we are walking down Elm and I'm pointing out 609, 611 and 612, trying to give a "face" to the name if you will.
Well, right before we reach 612 she kind of stops. And looks at me and says ... "Jess after reading your away messages over the years, I always figured Elm Street was some bar you and your friends were regulars at - a bar you all just took over whenever you guys went out."

I found it hilarious and wanted to share.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Even When In Dublin. . .

When trying to describe my life at home to my new freinds here in Dublin. . . Elm Street is, of corse, the base of my stories.

I described it to them as a kind of "dirty commune of artists, thinkers, slackers, and drunkards that occupy a corner of a street and most of my social life."

I got some weird looks.

I then went on to explain it was "kind of like combineing heven and hell with booze, sex, and college."

I got more weird looks.

SO. . . I have come to the relization that there is no way to even begin to descibe the things that have happened to me and around me on Elm street.

We are all so fucking weird, and by weird I mean awsome, and by awsome I mean As mush as I l0ve Dublin. . . the people that make up the spirt of Elm street will mkae it not so bad to come home. . .
mike oleary

mike is cute.